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YThursday, January 06, 2011
dengan nama ALlah yang maha pengampun:)
it is now 2011, mashaAllah..
time flies..
hehe, sepatutnya tulis thesis tp ehemm:D

f dah ada BROTHER! ahlan to this world, aadil!:)
f dah ada niece! ahlan asma'! (happy belated bdayyy!:D)
barakallahu lakumaa to kak longg!:)
and soon to come - EHEMMMM..hee:)

time flies, indeed:)but my heart has never stopped being grateful that we were once (and forever will be) a family:)


Friendship is something to hold on to
But for me that's not the case
Cause I don't feel I need to keep
Something that can't be erased

I am sure of what I have
Cause with you I have no doubt
For what we've built, can't ever fail
It's what I care about

I find it hard to describe
This thing that we share
Especially when there's nothing else
That ever could compare



nuhibbukunna FILLAH...ameen
Thursday, January 06, 2011

YMonday, May 24, 2010
dengan nama ALLAH yang maha pengampun:)

time flies. seconds past, minutes..

if i was to go back 5 years before and tell myself that f now has asma'
i probably wont believe it:)

it seems like yesterday we were all praying jemaah together. u name where and we've probably done it! the beach, up high in cs overlooking the kubur:p
loved those moments and still do:)

and now my sisters are giving back to the country.one's an engineer, another an auditor, a scientist and an architect:)..another 2 still studying but heyy! studying's good good good:p (right **n*??:D) and im soo proud of all my sisters :) you just wait Malaysia! the new generation muslims will wipe u off ur feet because of their deen!

everyone seems to be leading their own lives.. true our paths have diverged.. but the fact that our lives converged in the past - THAT will remain ..

and i do so hope that Allah gather us all in His Jannah.

kak ngah rindu F:(


nuhibbukunna FILLAH...ameen
Monday, May 24, 2010

YWednesday, June 10, 2009

Faiqah as Solehah wa muslehah ila Mardhatillah,


Selamat Hari Lahir
inilah permulaannya
Kelahiran semula yg mencatat sejarah
Permulaan suatu yg tak pernah disangka akan menjadi sebahagian dr hidup ini
Moga terus kekal matlamat kita hingga ke akhirnya

biar jarak memisahkan kita
biar nama tidak lagi kedengaran
biar luput dr ingatan
Moga faiqah terus thabat
setiap satu darinya...
moga pertemuan kita seterusnya di Syurga....

uhibukunna fillah


nuhibbukunna FILLAH...ameen
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

YFriday, February 06, 2009

of a sister who has taken another step further
completing another half of the deen
through a mithaqan ghaliza
she's not an ordinary sister
she's my sister
our faiqah sister
our prayers will always be with you, dear
may the marriage bring u closer to the Lord
may this marriage make u stronger in the path u've chosen
may the bait muslim filled with mawaddah wa rahmah wa sakkenah

p/s: heh..nnt ada anak boleh letak nama faiqah eh :)


nuhibbukunna FILLAH...ameen
Friday, February 06, 2009

YSunday, January 04, 2009
In the name of Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful..
Most Compassionate..

The gift of knowing the Creator has always and will always insyaAllah
be the best moment in my life..

And ever grateful I am that Allah united my heart with
the hearts of those who, too, are in avid search of His Redha..

That starting point in life will i cherish insyaAllah, as long as
Allah wills.. The point at which the point of final destination became
as clear as a bell..

In engineering, two points are required in determining a route..
The first point - recognizing and knowing Allah and the deen He has chosen for us..
The second point - to return to Allah Taala Himself..

And from these 2 points, its possible to draw almost infinite number of routes/vectors..
From a straight line, to Euler to Lagrange..
The method you choose would be dependent on what you are working
with..its complexity, and a range of other factors..

Whatever method we choose, the aim is the same.
to connect 2 points=)

May Allah grant openness of the hearts to accept each others
differences, as long as the final point is the final destination, and the
ways are the ways of the Quran and sunnah..

ya Allah..
unite our hearts.. and grant us from You, Your Forgiveness..


nuhibbukunna FILLAH...ameen
Sunday, January 04, 2009

YSunday, December 21, 2008
I've always prayed for an elder sister,
and He granted me with miftahul haq

I've always prayed a lil sister
and He blessed me with wafak

I've always prayed for a family abroad
and He blessed me with faiqah

and now it's complete

I've been blessed yet lil that I was grateful


nuhibbukunna FILLAH...ameen
Sunday, December 21, 2008

YTuesday, November 04, 2008
tanya mereka: apakah acara2 bersama mereka yg begitu terkesan di jiwa.

jawab mereka: kisah-kisah di mana mereka dan saya bersama

jawab saya: kisah ketika saya dipisahkan dari mereka...tika itu membuatkan saya sedar betapa mereka begitu bermakna dlm hidup saya...terlalu bermakna


nuhibbukunna FILLAH...ameen
Tuesday, November 04, 2008


...kerana taqwa itu di hati

Y Faiqah

DOB:10 june 2005

Y Interest

Allah ghayatuna.
Rasulullah qudwatuna.
Al Quran dusturuna.
Al-Jihadu Sabiluna.
Al - Mautu Fisabilillah Asma 'amanina

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