YSaturday, August 27, 2005
I hate my past but I keep thinking about it
I hate satan but sometimes I do follow his words
I hate hell but sometimes I do indulge myself
doing things that would lead me in it
I hate being ignorant but sometimes
I do ignore the knowledge (the truth) that I know
I hate people hate me but sometimes I do hate people
I said I’ll hate people because of HIM but
sometimes I do mix it with my own emotion
I hate myself when judging people
even worse it can be fitnah
I hate myself when being outspoken
coz it might hurt others
But what I hate most is the way I hate myself
just hate it for the sake of hate it and always fail to fix it…
nuhibbukunna FILLAH...ameen
Saturday, August 27, 2005
YSunday, August 21, 2005
Ape maknenye ek?hmm macamana persahabatan yg dikatakan kerana ALLAH yer?inni uhibbuki fillah..hmm i love u bcoz of ALLAH..how 2 prove it?yes,by always reminding each other to go to d right path.don't wait until one of us has crossed d line but remind her whenever u see her becomes closer n closer to d edge..insyaALLAH..
dayah+hana+kemar+akMar+timmec+kak syahid+aby+kak ulfa+syaza+huda=roti canai!!! yeah
p/s:susunan adalah mengikut ketinggian fizikal..heh
nuhibbukunna FILLAH...ameen
Sunday, August 21, 2005
YWednesday, August 17, 2005
"Hai orang2 beriman, mengapakah kamu mengatakan sesuatu yg tidak kamu perbuat? Amat besar kebencian disisi ALLAH, kerana kamu mengatakan sesuatu yg tidak kamu perbuat" <<61:2&3>>
peringatan untuk semua (termasuk diri ini)...insyaALLAH bersama kita mendaulahkan agama kita...
nuhibbukunna FILLAH...ameen
Wednesday, August 17, 2005